Dominique’s IVF Journey BDay Fundraiser

Bronx, NY (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Dominique’s IVF Journey BDay Fundraiser

by Dominique Atchison

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,075.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,075.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Bronx, NY (US)

Dominique Atchison is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi! I am Dominique. I turn 42 at the end of of the month. I have been trying to get pregnant for about 5 years. I am giving IVF another try. The thing I want most in the world is to be a mother. I was the little girl who insisted on having dolls that looked like real babies that I push around in real strollers. I never thought I’d get to this age and not have children. I’ve watch most of my friends start their family. In spite of the obstacles of attempting to be a single mother by choice, I am looking forward to starting my own family. Insurance covers a lot of the costs associated with IVF (thank God). But there are things that are not covered that I will need help with. (Some medications, the cost of genetic testing and the storage of my embryos are not covered. The costs can add up. Whatever you can do to help would be amazing.

  • 05-09-2022

    First Procedure Tomorrow

    Hi Friends and Family!
    Thank you so much for your love and support and donations. So far, your support has helped me to purchase medications that were not covered by my insurance. Tomorrow I will have a procedure called an egg retrieval. I spent a little over a week in \\"stims\\" (using medication to stimulate the growth of extra eggs. The retrieval is a procedure where those eggs will be removed and introduced to the donor sperm in a lab. They will prayerfully make embryos (hence the term \\"test tube baby\\"…). Those embryos will be sent to a lab to be tested. And we will proceed from there! Sorry if this is TMI but I just want to keep folks updated on the progress. Continue to hold me in prayer. This is the long game. Sending so much love to all!


  • 05-09-2022

    Two Embryos

    Greetings all!

    Not sure if you guys see these things. But I want to say thanks again and share another update. My transfer was successful. They got 6 eggs that turned into to 3 embryos that turned into 2 blastocysts. So my 2 em-babies are being sent to be tested genetically. Your support will help to pay for the testing and next steps. Many thanks to all for your love and support.

Name Donation Date
Creola Atchison $100.00 April 23, 2022
Gabriel Atchison $200.00 April 23, 2022
Angela Kohn $25.00 April 16, 2022
kit sawyer $350.00 April 16, 2022
Emily Duran $200.00 April 09, 2022
Corinne Aby-Lopez $100.00 April 09, 2022
Grace Choi $100.00 April 06, 2022
Gabriel Atchison commented with a $200 donation about 3 years ago
kit sawyer commented with a $350 donation about 3 years ago
Sending lots of love....Kit and Ray
Corinne Aby-Lopez commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Baby dust to you my dear??‍♀️